C Programming Video Lecture


Students can view video lecture for C Programming from the link given below:

1. Program to print 'Hello' & Program to calculate sum of two numbers.

2. Program for Area of circle & Program for input marks of 5 subject & calculate Sum & Percentage.

3. Program for calculating Simple Interest & Program for Calculating Compound Interest.

4. Program for Swapping of two numbers & Program for Leap Year. 

5. Program for finding greater number among three numbers & Program for finding even & odd.

6. Program for switch case. 

7.  Program for loop intro & factorial of a numbers with while loop.

8. Program for factorial of a numbers with do-while loop.

9. Program for factorial using for loop & sum of number from 1 to 10.

10. Program for sum of digits of a number. 

11.  Program for Nested for loop with pattern programming.

12. Program for Palindrome Number.

13.  Program for Armstrong  Number.



    1 comment:

    1. sir data structure ki video lecture nhi h vo kb tk milege
