Question Bank for CSE 2nd Year

B.Tech 2nd Year CSE student can download the Question Bank from this Link.

1. What is data structure?
Ans: The logical and mathematical model of a particular organization of data is called data structure. There are two types of data structure
i) Linear
ii) Nonlinear

2. What are the goals of Data Structure?
Ans: It must rich enough in structure to reflect the actual relationship of data in real world.
The structure should be simple enough for efficient processing of data.

3. What is the difference between a Stack and an Array?
i) Stack is a ordered collection of items
ii) Stack is a dynamic object whose size is constantly changing as items are pushed and popped .
iii) Stack may contain different data types
iv) Stack is declared as a structure containing an array to hold the element of the stack, and an integer to indicate the current stack top within the array.
i) Array is an ordered collection of items
ii) Array is a static object i.e. no of item is fixed and is assigned by the declaration of the array
iii) It contains same data types.
iv) Array can be home of a stack i.e. array can be declared large enough for maximum size of the stack.

4. What do you mean by recursive definition?
Ans: The definition which defines an object in terms of simpler cases of itself is called recursive definition.

5. What is sequential search?
Ans: In sequential search each item in the array is compared with the item being searched until a match occurs. It is applicable to a table organized either as an array or as a linked list.

6. What actions are performed when a function returns?
i) Return address is retrieved
ii) Function’s data area is freed
iii) Branch is taken to the return address
7. What is a linked list?
Ans: A linked list is a linear collection of data elements, called nodes, where the linear order is given by pointers. Each node has two parts first part contain the information of the element second part contains the address of the next node in the list.
8. What are the advantages of linked list over array (static data structure)?
The disadvantages of array are
i) unlike linked list it is expensive to insert and delete elements in the array
ii) One can’t double or triple the size of array as it occupies block of memory space.
In linked list
i) each element in list contains a field, called a link or pointer which contains the address of the next element
ii) Successive element’s need not occupy adjacent space in memory.

9. What are the major data structures used in the following areas : network data model & Hierarchical data model.
RDBMS – Array (i.e. Array of structures)
Network data model – Graph
Hierarchical data model – Trees

10. If you are using C language to implement the heterogeneous linked list, what pointer type will you use?
Ans: The heterogeneous linked list contains different data types in its nodes and we need a link, pointer to connect them. It is not possible to use ordinary pointers for this. So we go for void pointer. Void pointer is capable of storing pointer to any type as it is a generic pointer type.

11. Minimum number of queues needed to implement the priority queue?
Ans: Two. One queue is used for actual storing of data and another for storing priorities.

12. What is the data structures used to perform recursion?
Ans: Stack. Because of its LIFO (Last In First Out) property it remembers its ‘caller’ so knows whom to return when the function has to return. Recursion makes use of system stack for storing the return addresses of the function calls.
Every recursive function has its equivalent iterative (non-recursive) function. Even when such equivalent iterative procedures are written, explicit stack is to be used.

13. What are the notations used in Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions using prefix and postfix forms?
Ans: Polish and Reverse Polish notations.

14. Convert the expression ((A + B) * C – (D – E) ^ (F + G)) to equivalent Prefix and Postfix notations.
Ans: Prefix Notation:
^ – * +ABC – DE + FG
Postfix Notation:
AB + C * DE – – FG + ^

15. Sorting is not possible by using which of the following methods?
(a) Insertion
(b) Selection
(c) Exchange
(d) Deletion

Ans: (d) Deletion.
Using insertion we can perform insertion sort, using selection we can perform selection sort, using exchange we can perform the bubble sort (and other similar sorting methods). But no sorting method can be done just using deletion.

16. List out few of the Application of tree data-structure?
The manipulation of Arithmetic expression,
Symbol Table construction,
Syntax analysis.

17. List out few of the applications that make use of Multilinked Structures?
Ans: Sparse matrix, Index generation.

18. in tree construction which is the suitable efficient data structure?
(A) Array (b) Linked list (c) Stack (d) Queue (e) none
Ans: (b) Linked list



Short Questions:-

1.       Define data structure.
2.       Define algorithm.
3.       List out areas in which data structures are applied.
4.       List out structure of algorithm.
5.       List out properties of algorithm.
6.       List out the steps involved in the development of an algorithm.
7.       Define Data Type.
8.       List out the classification of data structure.
9.       What is linear/primitive data structure?
10.   What is non-linear/non-primitive data structure?
11.   Gives the names of linear data structure.
12.   Gives the names of non-linear data structure.
13.   Which are the operations performed on data structure?
14.   How to measure the performance of algorithm?
15.   What is time complexity?
16.   Define space complexity.
17.   When empirical testing is used?
18.   What is the use of theoretical testing?
19.   What is average, best and worst case complexity?
20.   Define O notation of time complexity.
21.   List out the notation that used to express time complexity of algorithm.

Long Questions:-

1.       Explain the classification of data structure.
2.       Explain various operations performed on data structures.
3.       Write a short note on abstract data type.
4.       Explain the properties of algorithm.
5.       Explain the steps for the development of algorithm.
6.       Differentiate between linear and non-linear data structure.
7.       What do you mean by algorithm? Give example.
8.       Explain efficiency of algorithm.
9.       Write a short note on asymptotic notations.
10.   Distinguish between best, worst and average case complexities of an algorithm.
11.   What do you mean by Time and Space complexity and how to represent these complexity?
12.   Explain the concept of data type.
13.   Find the complexity of following code.
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for(int j=I;j<n;j++)

Short Questions:-
1.       Define array.
2.       List out application of Array.
3.       Which operation is supported by an array ADT?
4.       What will happen in a C++ program when you assign a value to an array element whose subscripts exceed the size of array?
5.       What is the index number of the last element of an array with 20 elements?
6.       List out the operations performed on Array.
7.       Give the number of elements in array a[1:5].
8.       Give the number of elements in array a[1:5,1:4,1:3].
9.       Give the number of elements in array A[3][2].
10.   What is row major order?
11.   What is column major order?
12.   Write formula to calculate address of elements in one-dimensional array.
13.   Write formula to calculate address of elements in two-dimensional array.
14.   Write formula to calculate address of elements in three-dimensional array.
15.   Define sparse matrix.
16.   Define order-list matrix.
17.   If the starting address of array a[-2,23] is 100 then what will be the address of 16th element?
18.   If the starting address of array a[1:5,1:6] is 100 then what will be the address of a[3,4] element?
19.   If the starting address of array a[1:5,1:6,1:4] is 100 then what will be the address of a[3,4,5] element?
20.   Write any one difference between row major and column major.
21.   What are the disadvantages of array?

Long Questions:-

1.       What is an array? Which operations can be performed on Array? Explain with example.
2.       How to calculate number of elements in one dimensional array? Explain with example.
3.       How to calculate number of elements in two dimensional arrays? Explain with example.
4.       How to calculate number of elements in three dimensional arrays? Explain with example.
5.       Explain one-dimensional array. How one dimensional array can be represented in memory?
6.       Explain two-dimensional array. How two dimensional arrays can be represented in memory?
7.       Explain three-dimensional array. How three dimensional arrays can be represented in memory?
8.       Explain any one method to calculate memory location for different position in two-dimensional array.
9.       What are the applications of an array? Explain each with examples.
10.   Explain sparse matrix. What are the benefits of the sparse matrix?
11.   Explain order-list matrix. What are the benefits of the order-list matrix?
12.   Write an algorithm for insert and delete operation in array.
13.   Write an algorithm to implement sparse matrix.
14.   Write an algorithm to search element in array.
15.   Write program to insert element at position of user choice.
16.   For the following array A, compute
a.       the dimension of A
b.       the space occupied by A in the memory
c.        the address of A[7,2]
Array: A Column Index: 0:5
Base address: 100 Size of memory location: 4 bytes
Row Index: 0:15
17.   Distinguish between the row major and column major ordering of an array.
18.   Suppose A is linear array with n numeric values. Write procedure which finds the average of the values in A.
19.   Write a program to find second highest value from array elements.
20.   Write a program to delete an element of array at position of user choice.

Stack and Queue
Short Questions:-
1.       Define Stack.
2.       Give real world example of stack.
3.       List the operations on stack.
4.       List the application on stack.
5.       Define push operation on stack.
6.       Define pop operation on stack.
7.       Define peep operation on stack.
8.       When stack is said to be overflow?
9.       Give definition of infix, prefix and postfix notation.
10.   Define Tail recursion.
11.   Identify the types of expression whether it is infix, prefix or postfix.
a.        4,2$3*3-8,4/1,1+/+
b.       PQ+R+-S↑UV+*
12.   Define Queue.
13.   Give real world example of Queue.
14.   List the operations on Queue.
15.   List the application on Queue.
16.   Define Insertion operation on Queue.
17.   Define Deletion operation on Queue.
18.   Define Circular Queue.
19.   List out limitation of linear queue.
20.   Write algorithm to insert element into circular queue.
21.   What is Deques? Explain with example.
22.   Define priority queue.

Long Questions:-
1.       Explain Stack with its example.
2.       Explain the operation performed on Stack.
3.       Explain Push operation with algorithm.
4.       Explain Pop operation with algorithm.
5.       Explain Peep operation with algorithm.
6.       Explain application of Stack.
7.       Explain Evaluation of expressions on stack.
8.       Write pseudo-code for factorial computation.
9.       Evaluate following expression.
a. 10+3-2-8/2*6-7
b. (12-(2-3)+10/2+4*2)
10.   Convert following infix expression to postfix expression:
a. ((a+b)/d-((e-f)+g)
b. 12/3*6+6-6+8/2
11.   Convert following infix expression to prefix expression:
a. ((a+b)/d-((e-f)+g)
b. 12/3*6+6-6+8/2
12.   Convert following postfix expression to infix expression:
c. 4,2$3*3-8,4/1,1+/+
d. PQ+R+-S↑UV+*
13.   Convert following postfix expression to prefix expression:
e. 4,2$3*3-8,4/1,1+/+
f. PQ+R+-S↑UV+*
14.   Explain Queue with its example.
15.   Explain the operation performed on Queue.
16.   Explain insertion operation for queue with algorithm.
17.   Explain Deletion operation for queue with algorithm.
18.   Explain application of Queue.
19.   Write short note on Deque.
20.   Write short note on Priority Queue.
21.   What are the difference between stack and queue.
22.   How to overcome limitation of linear queue? Explain in detail.

Linked List
Short Questions:-
1.       What is the limitation of sequential data structures?
2.       What is linked list?
3.       Give real world example of linked list.
4.       What are the advantages of singly linked list?
5.       What are the disadvantages of singly linked list?
6.       Which are the operations performed in singly linked list?
7.       What is the need for linked representation of lists?
8.       Define circular linked list.
9.       What are the advantages of circular linked list?
10.   What are the disadvantages of circular linked list?
11.   What is the node structure for circular linked list?
12.   Define doubly linked list.
13.   What are the advantages of doubly linked list?
14.   What are the disadvantages of doubly linked list?
15.   List out operations performed in doubly linked list.
16.   List application of linked list.
17.   What is the difference between circular linked list and linear linked list?
18.   What is the difference between array and stack?
19.   Define sparse matrix?

Long Questions:-
1.       Write short note on linked list.
2.       Explain operation of singly linked list with algorithm.
3.       Explain circular linked list.
4.       What are the advantages of circular linked list over singly linked list?
5.       Write pseudo code to add node at the end in circular linked list.
6.       Explain doubly linked list with advantage and disadvantage of it.
7.       Write a pseudo code to delete a node from doubly linked list.
8.       Explain operation of doubly linked list with algorithm.
9.       Write short note on multiply linked lists.
10. Explain application of linked list.
11. Write short note on polynomial manipulation.
12. Write short note on sparse matrix.
13. Explain operation of linked stack and linked queue.
14. Write algorithm for push/pop operation on a linked stack.
15. What are merit of linked stack and queues over their sequential counterparts?
16. How are push and pop operations implemented on a linked stack?
17. Write algorithm for insertion/deletion operation on a linked queue.
18. Write short note on Dynamic memory management.
19. Explain application of linked stack and linked queue.
20. Write a pseudo code for implementing stack using linked list.
21. Write a pseudo code for implementing queue using linked queue.
Trees and Binary Trees
Short Questions:-
1. Define tree.
2. What is degree of node?
3. Define sibling.
4. Define forest. Also give example of it.
5. Define binary tree.
6. List out type’s binary tree.
7. What is the difference between full binary tree & complete binary tree?
8. List out different techniques to represent tree.
9. List out different operations you can perform on tree.
10. List out traversal of binary tree.
11. What is inorder traversal?
12. What is preorder traversal?
13. What is postorder traversal?
14. What is the maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of depth k?
15. Trace the binary tree of inorder traversal: BFGPRSTWYZ.
16. What are the applications of tree?
17. Trace the binary tree of preorder traversal: PFBHGSRYTWZ.
18. What do you mean by expression tree?
19. Define leaf node and siblings with example.
20. What is threaded binary tree?
Long Questions:-
1. Explain tree data structure.
2. How to represent tree using linked list?
3. Explain binary tree with its representation including advantage and disadvantage.
4. Write a code to insert a node in a binary tree.
5. Write a code to delete a node in binary tree.
6. Explain array representation of binary tree with example?
7. Explain linked representation of binary tree with example?
8. Explain traversal technique of binary tree.
9. Explain inorder traversal with example.
10. Explain preorder traversal with example.
11. Explain postorder traversal with example.
12. Explain application of binary tree.
13. Create a binary tree using inorder and preorder traversal
Inorder: D B H E A I F J C G, Preorder: A B D E H C F I J G
14. Create a binary tree using inorder and postorder traversal
Inorder: D B H E A I F J C G, Postorder: D H E B I J F G C A
15. Create a binary tree from the following sequence:
14, 34, 22, 44, 11, 24, 33
16. Using the following binary tree traverse it into inorder, preorder and postorder:
17. Consider the following tree.
/ \
/ \ / \
/ /\
a. How many leaves does it have?
b. How many of the nodes have at least one sibling?
c. What is the value stored in the parent node of the node containing 30?
d. How many descendants does the root have?
e. What is the depth of the tree?
f. How many children does the root have?
18. What is inorder traversal of binary tree? Write inorder traversal of given binary tree.
/ \
19. Write algorithm to perform inorder traversal of binary tree.
20. Write algorithm to perform preorder traversal of binary tree.
21. Write algorithm to perform postorder traversal of binary tree.
Searching and Sorting
Short Questions:-
1. Define ordered linear search.
2. Define unordered linear search.
3. Give any one difference between order linear searches and unordered linear search.
4. Write down complexity of worst case and best case in ordered linear search.
5. Write down complexity of worst case and best case in unordered linear search.
6. Define binary search.
7. What are the difference between linear search and binary search?
8. In linked list, which searching technique is better linear search or binary search?
9. What are the advantages of binary search over linear search?
10. Define sort.
11. Write down complexity of bubble sort and in which situation bubble sort should be used?
12. Write down complexity of insertion sort and in which situation bubble sort should be used?
13. Write down complexity of selection sort and in which situation bubble sort should be used?
14. Write down complexity of quick sort and in which situation bubble sort should be used?
15. Write down complexity of merge sort and in which situation bubble sort should be used?
16. What is the time complexity of merge sort?
17. What is the time complexity of quick sort?
18. Can bubble sort ever perform better than quick sort?
19. Which sorting techniques are an example of divide and conquer?
20. Which sorting techniques is an application of recursion?
Long Questions:-
1. Write short note on linear search with algorithm.
2. Write short note on binary search with algorithm.
3. What are the merits and demerits of binary search?
4. Write the pseudo-code for linear search using array and linked list.
5. Write pseudo-code for binary search using array and linked list.
6. Explain decision tree for binary search.
7. Write short note on bubble sort with algorithm.
8. Write short note on insertion sort with algorithm.
9. Write short note on selection sort with algorithm.
10. Write short note on merge sort with algorithm.
11. Write short note on quick sort with algorithm.
12. Which sorting technique is more suitable to use? Explain in detail.
13. Write pseudo-code for binary search using array and linked list.
14. Write down procedure for bubble sort.
15. Why is bubble sort stable?
16. Write down procedure for insertion sort.
17. Write down procedure for selection sort.
18. Write down procedure for merge sort.
19. Write down procedure for quick sort.
20. Trace quick sort on the list L= {11, 34, 67, 78, 78, 78, 99}. What are your observations?

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